As Women, We Must Learn To Put Our Oxygen Mask On First

Self Care Is Like

Putting Your Oxygen Mask On First


When traveling on an airplane we are always instructed to put our oxygen mask on first before we put one on anyone else. Why is this? Simply because we can’t save or do anything thing for anyone else if we are not well or struggling ourselves.

Well, self care is like putting on your oxygen mask first!

As women, wives, mothers, and entrepreneurs we often spend so much time taking care of others that we neglect self care (to put on our oxygen mask first). But have you ever stop to think about how much care can you truly give to someone else if you’re struggling spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically? Something to really think about right? So because self care shouldn’t be an option but rather an vital necessity, here are four tips to help you start practicing self care (putting on your oxygen mask first) today:

Tip 1: Prioritize making time for yourself. Spend time doing the things that brings your peace and make you happy whether it is taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk, or reading a book.

Tip 2: Set Boundaries. As an women entrepreneur, it can be difficult to disconnect from our family and our business. However, setting boundaries is important for your mental health and well-being. As much as possible, set specific work hours and schedule quality time spend with family and friends.

Tip 3: Practice Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Whether it is through meditation, journaling or going for a walk in the park, taking time to focus on your mental health can help you stay grounded and centered.

Tip 4: Connect with other Black Women Entrepreneurs. Finding a supportive community of other black women entrepreneurs can be beneficial for your mental health and business. Joining a group or attending networking events can help you connect with other like-minded individuals who can offer support and advice.

Do you need a supportive community to help you blossom & thrive as a black women entrepreneur in your business and personal life?

Join us at our next Blossom & Thrive BOSS Mixer, a curated event dedicated to nurturing, celebrating, and supporting Black Women BOSSES like you.

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